Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Peter Thomas Roth, Two

I told you guys about my favorite bath products a few weeks ago from Peter Thomas Roth; well I found my absolute, favorite product. So, we all pop pimples or zits all the time. Whether we want to admit it or not, we all do it. And we all know you're not suppose to. And sometimes we end up terminating them way before we are suppose to and we get an ugly scab on your face. Almost worse than the stupid zit. Well, I just found the world's secret to eliminating those ugly scabs in 3 days. I sound like a commercial, I should start getting paid for this.

But in all seriousness, I went to Ulta to restock up on my favorite bath products and the sales associate helping me gave me a sample of Peter Thomas Roth's Firm Peeling Gel. And I am sold. I am going to buy a full bottle as soon as possible. 

What this gel does is eliminate all dead skin from your face. Which is an amazing product that you should use regularly if you have dry skin (face only). But for girls with a more oil base skin, I would use this when you have a sunburn, or when you make the mistake of trying to terminate a zit that isn't ready - scabs. 

You rub this gel on your face when its dry. Continue rubbing the area or areas you need dead skin removed.  You immediately see skin being removed. Once you're done exfoliating your face, go rinse with warm water, then pat your face dry with a clean towel. 

Average prices for this product are about $50. But if you're scared to buy a product so expensive before trying it out, ask any local beauty store if they have any samples. I promise you, you'll be sold once you try it. I'm bringing it with me on my cruise, so despite any sunburning, my face will look fresh and hydrated no matter how dry it naturally is.

Here are some stores you can find Peter Thomas Roth Products:
and more, just Google away!


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