Friday, March 22, 2013

London Tees

photography by Melissa Gardipee

I have a friend who studied abroad in London and she brought me back some amazing pieces including this Union Jack tank top bought at a market in London Town. I wear it all the time and it never lets me down. Today I wore it with a red blazer I bought last year at Forever 21. I love when I find pieces that I can still wear the next year. Despite the reputation Forever 21 has received about its quality of clothes, I have a different opinion. I believe that if you treat your clothes well, they will last. The obvious choice of lipstick had to be Russian Red. I love using matte lipstick because it lasts longer too. Below are some tips on using matte lipstick.


Here are some tips on matte lipstick: 
Make sure your lips are moisturized because if not, matte lipstick can be  your worst enemy. Chap-stick works wonders. If you have flaky lips apply chap-stick every night before you go to bed. If your wearing red lipstick, use a red lip liner for better results; but don't make it too dark just in case your lipstick ends up fading (which could happen if your eating or kissing.) Matte feels sort of like a crayon when your putting it on but it really will last longer than the glossy lipsticks. If you get any lipstick in unwanted areas just use make up remover on a Q-tip and wipe it off. Good luck!

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