Sunday, January 18, 2015

January Eighteenth Twenty Fifteen

I would like to introduce the new focus of Style by Chels:

I have decided to go in a new direction for this blog. I decided that I was no longer going to focus on just expressing my personal style and tips, but I am going to make this blog a journal expressing some of my everyday circumstances. Meaning, I will post facial remedies I experiment with, fashion advice or inspiration, make up tips, and fitness. Fitness will include some of my favorite everyday workouts, nutrition tips I have experienced along my path of paleo dieting, gym look inspiration, my favorite gym clothing brands and why, and fun apps and websites I use to track all my workouts.

Today's post will simply be a fashion inspirational look. Today, I am wearing a look I wore throughout the week at the office. This look is simple, comfortable, and professional for a business casual attire. I have had my eye on these booties for about a year. I first spotted Walk in Wonderland post them for some spring looks. When I saw them in Miami's number one outlet mall, I was overly excited. They were 75% off!


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