Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Three and Three

Today my schedule is full and I won't make it to the gym today. Even though I am slightly thankful since the wod looks like death, I am still going to accomplish work, school, homework, personal errands, and gym time today. 2015 is my year to reach all my goals! Today's workout is a workout you can do at home in any open space, outside, or even at your gym. All you need is a yoga mat and a weight  (weight can be a dumbbell or kettle ball). 

The Workout.

3 ROUNDS of Planking
1 minute plank
resting 30 seconds in between rounds

-rest 1 minute in between workouts-

10 Push Ups
25 Sit Ups
25 Squats
20 Lunges
20 Russian Twists (with weight)
- if you do not have weight: sub with bicycle movement

Time: 16:06

The time of the workout includes resting time. You want to stay consistent with your movements. The steadier the pace, the longer you'll last. You have to remember to breathe while you move. If you need to rest in between reps, take 10 deep breaths and resume your workout.

For weight I used 2 dumbbells at 8 pounds each. I crossed them and gently touched the floor each rep. Make sure your legs are elevated to get the full effect. If you have trouble balancing, when the dumbbell is at the center of your chest on the way to the floor, bring in your legs and push them out as the dumbbell is reaching its end point. For videos on Russian Twists please click here.


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