Monday, February 02, 2015

Fun Yoga Mats

If you are anything like me, the simplest accessories involved in your workout make you feel better while putting in the work. Why settle for polarized items when you can expand your world by color? I am extremely girly and love mixing colors or dressing to the season. So now that Spring is coming, I am looking into some fun designs to replace my yoga mat. Unfortunately I never find time to actually go and do yoga in an actual yoga studio, so I mainly use it at home. But if you can decorate your room, why can't you decorate your workout space too?

Here are some of my favorite yoga mats I found online today while briefly looking for the perfect mat. There are plenty of websites that offer these same mats and for the same price. I have come to realize, the more you spend on an item for fitness apparel or its accessories, its worth the purchase. The more expensive, the better the quality (sometimes!). 

Where can you find these?! - also has an app available!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Three and Three

Today my schedule is full and I won't make it to the gym today. Even though I am slightly thankful since the wod looks like death, I am still going to accomplish work, school, homework, personal errands, and gym time today. 2015 is my year to reach all my goals! Today's workout is a workout you can do at home in any open space, outside, or even at your gym. All you need is a yoga mat and a weight  (weight can be a dumbbell or kettle ball). 

The Workout.

3 ROUNDS of Planking
1 minute plank
resting 30 seconds in between rounds

-rest 1 minute in between workouts-

10 Push Ups
25 Sit Ups
25 Squats
20 Lunges
20 Russian Twists (with weight)
- if you do not have weight: sub with bicycle movement

Time: 16:06

The time of the workout includes resting time. You want to stay consistent with your movements. The steadier the pace, the longer you'll last. You have to remember to breathe while you move. If you need to rest in between reps, take 10 deep breaths and resume your workout.

For weight I used 2 dumbbells at 8 pounds each. I crossed them and gently touched the floor each rep. Make sure your legs are elevated to get the full effect. If you have trouble balancing, when the dumbbell is at the center of your chest on the way to the floor, bring in your legs and push them out as the dumbbell is reaching its end point. For videos on Russian Twists please click here.


Monday, January 26, 2015

Samples, Samples, and more Samples!

Ugh! Have you heard of those cute companies that send those cute little boxes every month with samples to try?? There are so many! How can you choose?!? Well luckily for you, I know a little bit about them and I am going to tell you a little bit about what I do know. For each company listed below you basically create a profile. You pick out all the stuff you would usually buy (brands, sizes, price ranges) and based off your profile, a personal stylist puts together a box for you.


So Birchbox is the most popular sampler right now. They have seniority and they are dependable. What I like about them the most is that they do not waitlist you. You literally get a box of sample sized goodies every month for $10 and you can cancel anytime! What I don't like about them, the samples are literally samples.


Unlike Birchbox, Ipsy sends you full size samples. What I mean by a "full size sample" is they send you the actual size of the product you would buy. But this is only for make up. And only some products, like mascara's and nail polish. Sometimes you get lucky and get a full size eye liner, but things they can sample, they will send you sample size items. This company is also $10 and you can cancel anytime.

Every month you can pick the items they send you based out of the monthly selection they pre-chose for you. They even send you a different make up bag every month to hold your samples. They sound amazing right? Their only flaw... they waitlist. You can however skip the waitlist by individually inviting people to see ipsy's website. But, who has time to individually invite people on a website?! Ugh.


So Wantable is really cool. But this company does not send you "samples" like the other companies above. What this website does is that it give you options of 4 types of offers. Accessories, make-up, lingerie, or active wear. 

How accessories work: If you are familiar with Just Fab this is exactly how it works. Every month you pay $39.99 and you are sent accessories up to $40. Unlike Just Fab you aren't simply sent one item, and you don't get to choose. Last month, my friend got a few necklaces, a few bracelets, and an awesome ring! Sometimes she gets 4 pairs of earrings, 2 necklaces, sunglasses, and a bracelet. And she's already gotten 2 watches. They mix and match and they always send you 3+ items. In my opinion, this option is the best one.

How make up works: Your make-up membership is the same price every month, $39.99. This will include make up "samples" but they send you full size items. So basically they will send you 2+ items to sample and you get to keep both items for only $39.99. Most of the time they send you items that would cost more, so you are getting a discount. 

How lingerie works: Intimate membership is slightly different than purchasing the memberships for accessories and make up. I am not too sure if you pay a one time styling fee like you would for the active wear membership, or if you pay the $36 monthly. But I do know that they send you 3 items for you to choose. If you decide to keep all 3 items, they give you a discount.

How active wear works: Before I tell you to go and get this, I tried it, and did not like what they sent to me. The idea was really cool and I was so excited to receive my first box, but I was highly disappointed. First you pay a $20 one time fee for a personal stylist to handpick the items you would receive your first month. You then create a profile choosing the items you would regularly buy (brands, sizes, price range). They then send you 5 items, and if you keep all 5 items you receive 30% off all items and they bill you in 5 business days once they are sure you did not return any items. To return items they give you a return label with your delivery. If you only keep 3-4 items, you get 20% off. But when I got my package I was given items way above my price range and things I wouldn't wear unless you paid me to wear it in a photoshoot. And even then, I still would tell that stylist they need my help stylin'.


Now the best one! Fabletics! This is the Fitness line by Kate Hudson offered by Just Fab!! This line has so many adorable pieces and very modern looks for active wear. Your first order is 50% off and this month they are offering a free pair of Fabletics Leggings with your order. Each month they charge you $50 and send you an outfit to wear to the gym. Sometimes you get socks instead of a sports bra but I have only heard great things about this line and deal. You can skip the month anytime but you cannot cancel your subscription without a really good reason, so start thinking.

Want to join? Click here! Or copy this URL:

All pictures link straight to the site!


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wunder Under, Lululemon

Today, I am finally putting up my first fitness post. Last semester left me with hardly any time to workout as I'd like to have, but this year I am starting fresh and working on my body more. I am going to eat better for my health and my skin, and I am going to workout frequently. If I can't make it to the gym, I will at least I do something active that day.

My usual fitness routine consists of doing crossfit at Crossfit Brink, running, or at home exercises when I am pressed for time, or there is some other obstacle. For example, I was not able to eat lunch today so I am going to do a quick, weightless workout at home instead of going to crossfit. I will be focusing on a low intensity, what I like to call my "Abs and Ass" workouts, that uses only body weight. This lower-intensity workout will have to do since without lunch my body would not be able to handle a high intensity crossfit WOD (workout of the day). 

I've made many versions of this "Abs and Ass" workout, but here is what I did today:

The Workout.

1 Minute Plank Buy In
25 Sit Ups 
25 Scissor Abs
25 Bicycles
25 Alternating Leg Ups
1 Minute Plank Buy Out

25 Alternating Lunges
25 Squats

My Time: 20:22

Fitness Apparel of the Day

I am wearing Lululemon leggings called Wunder Under. The reviews of the leggings are not the best, but they have served me well. I have worn them over a dozen times for hiking, snowboarding, working out, and they have worked perfectly. The leggings keep me warm despite how thin they are. I actually have to be careful and avoid wearing them to workout on hotter days since they keep me so warm. But, this is why they came so handy during my winter vacation in Tennessee, and snow boarding there. My suggestion to anyone interested in Lululemon, try them on before purchase. If you are a fan of yoga, you should really look into this store!

Nike Sports Bra & Nike Free Run 5.0 Shoes


Sunday, January 18, 2015

January Eighteenth Twenty Fifteen

I would like to introduce the new focus of Style by Chels:

I have decided to go in a new direction for this blog. I decided that I was no longer going to focus on just expressing my personal style and tips, but I am going to make this blog a journal expressing some of my everyday circumstances. Meaning, I will post facial remedies I experiment with, fashion advice or inspiration, make up tips, and fitness. Fitness will include some of my favorite everyday workouts, nutrition tips I have experienced along my path of paleo dieting, gym look inspiration, my favorite gym clothing brands and why, and fun apps and websites I use to track all my workouts.

Today's post will simply be a fashion inspirational look. Today, I am wearing a look I wore throughout the week at the office. This look is simple, comfortable, and professional for a business casual attire. I have had my eye on these booties for about a year. I first spotted Walk in Wonderland post them for some spring looks. When I saw them in Miami's number one outlet mall, I was overly excited. They were 75% off!


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